Hello. We're Glad You're Here.
We're excited to welcome you as a client of The Verity Partners Group. Listed below are the next steps you can expect as we prepare to partner. You will also find useful downloads like our Form W-9, along with information about how to request a copy of our Certificate of Insurance, instructions on how to sign-up for automatic payment, and other resources. As always, if you have any additional questions as we begin our partnership, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you again for choosing to partner with us. This is the Verity beginning of something good.
Is it safe for a cleaning team to be in my building?We are proud to stand behind the steps we are taking to keep our crews safe. Our crewmembers are required to monitor body temperature and for all other COVID-19 symptoms. If any of these CoVid-19 symptoms present, they are required to follow CDC mandated restrictions and quarantine; to seek immediate medical care; and are not permitted to return to work until they receive both confirmation on negative status and a doctor’s release. Additionally, our janitorial teams wear CDC approved PPE Masks and gloves during regular cleaning routines. During preventative treatments, our task force teams, in addition to masks and gloves, use eye wear and shoe covers; and during post-contamination treatments the task force teams are required, in addition to masks, gloves, eye protection and shoe covers, to wear protective Tyrek coveralls. In buildings/facilities where people other than our crew are present during cleaning routines our teams practice physical social-distancing and refrain from socializing during this time. We respectfully ask our clients to also support and observe social distancing.
What should I do if there is a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in my facility?To mitigate spread, the person with the suspected or confirmed case should immediately leave the building. Contact The Key People Company. Your Account Manager will schedule a post-contamination cleaning of the impacted areas. Contaminated areas should be closed off (doors shut, and windows opened if possible). In accordance with CDC recommendations, a dedicated, trained contamination team will arrive 24 hours after the person with the suspected or confirmed case has evacuated the facility. If your facility is an essential production operation that cannot be interrupted please notify your Account Manager, who will guide you through additional precautionary steps so the treatment may be scheduled promptly; and procedures customized. During the contamination clean, the following will be completed: Contaminated Space: A thorough contamination sanitation will be completed on all possible contaminated areas. All horizontal surfaces will be wiped down, telephones, computers, keyboards. mouse, mouse pad, desk accessories and chairs/furniture. Ceiling and wall vents will be vacuumed. Blinds will be dusted with a treated cloth. In some cases, a disinfectant fogger may also be used to treat areas suspected of contamination. Common Areas: Contamination sanitation of all touch points: door handles, push plates, microwaves, cabinets, refrigerator handles, conference tables, kitchen tables, restroom and kitchen dispensers, sinks, faucets, trash enclosers, counter surfaces, toilets, and stall walls. Personal Desk Spaces: All desks, chairs, desk accessories, keyboards, phones, mouse, mouse pad and horizonal surfaces will be treated. Our treatment methods and procedures begin with a manual touch application observing CDC guidelines and using EPA registered solution that specifically targets CoVid-19, followed by an electrostatic treatment. If the building/facility cannot be completely vacated alternative processes will be used in place of electrostatic treatments, as pressurized and aerosol-generated treatments could cause infected molecules to become airborne. The treatment is performed by a specialized COVID-19 Task Force Team. The team will use CDC approved personal protection equipment including face masks, gloves, Tyvek coveralls, eyewear and gloves; and will complete the post-contamination service using CDC approved and EPA registered chemicals. Proven to be most effective for COVID-19 remediation, our treatment methods and procedures begin with a manual touch application observing CDC guidelines and using EPA registered solution that specifically targets COVID-19, followed by an electrostatic treatment. If the building/facility cannot be completely vacated alternative processes will be used in place of electrostatic treatments, as pressurized and aerosol-generated treatments could cause infected molecules to become airborne. Re-entry will be permitted after proper dwell-time has elapsed.
What is an antiviral treatment?Antiviral treatments are preventive in nature. They are designed to specifically target hotspot surfaces and areas where the spread of COVID-19 presents an enhanced risk and to kill the virus by manually treating these areas using a CDC approved and EPA registered solution. The antiviral treatment bonds to surfaces to create a “shield” or extra layer of protection above and beyond regular sanitation included in our Guidelines For Service. Sanitation within our regular cleaning guidelines is performed after the treatment dwell-time has elapsed and does not negate the treatment. One of the things that makes our approach unique, is that our antiviral treatment includes a direct, manual touch cleaning of all surfaces and hot spots. In contrast, many of our competitors rely only on an electrostatic sprayer in their treatment process. While we do offer an electrostatic spray treatment as an option final step, we do not recommend this method as a comprehensive response and prevention plan. Per studies conducted by the EPA, CDC and Johns Hopkins University, the treatments last up to nine days. We err on the side of caution and recommend a lapse period between treatments of no more than 7 days. For some industrial, food production, manufacturing or high-density settings more frequent treatments are recommended. We are equipped and prepared to provide a customized plan specific to the environment in your facility. Using a CDC approved and EPA registered solution, a dedicated, trained task force will manually treat the following areas as part of an antiviral treatment: Touch Points: Handrails, Handicap Rails/Handles/Automatic Door Buttons, Elevator & Door Keypads, Door Handles/Knobs & Push Plates, Light Switches, Conference & Meeting Tables, Arm Rests & back Touch Point on Hard Back Chairs Restrooms, Kitchens, First Aide Areas and Dining Facilities: ALL horizonal surfaces, Stall walls and urinal dividers, Glass & mirrors, Toilets (inside and outside) and sinks, including faucet & handles, Dispensers, Dining Tables, Exhaust Vents and Fans Personal Desk Space***: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Phone, Chair Arm Rests & Touchpoint on back of hard chairs (***for an additional charge. Antiviral treatments are available with or without the inclusion of personal desk space. Please ask your account manager for more details. An optional final step using an electrostatic sprayer is also available; however, we do not recommend this method as a comprehensive solution. An antiviral treatment is not an appropriate solution after a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 has been presented. In that case, a post contamination treatment is necessary. After completion of the post contamination treatment, antiviral treatments may resume as a preventive measure.
Are antiviral treatments effective?Yes, our Antiviral Treatments are proven to be highly effective. The Key People Company conducted our first Antiviral Treatment in February. Since that time, we have performed hundreds of ongoing treatments for both clients and non-clients alike. As of late April, none of our customers who began regularly scheduled preventative treatments prior to a reported infection have reported a suspected/infected case of COVID-19 or experienced interruption in operations. One of the things that makes our approach unique, is that our antiviral treatment includes a direct, manual touch cleaning of all surfaces and hot spots. In contrast, many of our competitors rely only on an electrostatic sprayer in their treatment process. While we do offer an electrostatic spray treatment as an option final step, we do not recommend this method as a comprehensive response and prevention plan. Based on studies conducted by the EPA, CDC and Johns Hopkins University, the treatments last up to nine days. We err on the side of caution and recommend a lapse period between treatments of no more than 7 days. For some industrial, food production, manufacturing or high-density settings more frequent treatments are recommended. We are equipped and prepared to provide a customized plan specific to the environment in your facility. The antiviral treatment bonds to surfaces to create a “shield” or extra layer of protection above and beyond regular sanitation included in our Guidelines For Service. Sanitation within our regular cleaning guidelines is performed after the treatment dwell-time has elapsed and does not negate the treatment. Research suggests that moderate touch with a disinfectant wipe will not negate the treatment; however, continual scrubbing with alcohol-based solutions may inhibit the effectiveness of the treatment. An antiviral treatment is not an appropriate solution after a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 has been presented. In that case, a post contamination treatment is necessary. After completion of the post contamination treatment, anti-viral treatments may resume as a preventive measure.
How often should I have an antiviral treatment?Based on guidance from the CDC, EPA, and Johns Hopkins University, the treatment lasts up to nine days. We tend to err on the side of caution and recommend a lapse period of no more than 7 days between treatments. For some industrial, food production, manufacturing or high-density settings more frequent treatments are recommended. We are equipped and prepared to provide a customized environment specific plan for you. An antiviral treatment is not an appropriate solution after a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 has been presented. In that case, a post contamination treatment is necessary. After completion of the post contamination treatment, anti-viral treatments may resume as a preventive measure Please speak to your account manager about developing a plan that best aligns with the needs of your facility.
Will my regularly scheduled cleaning lessen the impact of an antiviral treatment?No. The antiviral treatment does not negate the regular sanitation provided as part of our Guidelines for Service. The antiviral treatment bonds to surfaces to create a “shield” or extra layer of protection above and beyond these guidelines. Sanitation within our regular cleaning guidelines may be safely performed after the treatment dwell-time has elapsed and it will not negate the treatment. Research does suggest that moderate touch with a disinfectant wipe will not negate the treatment, but continual scrubbing with alcohol-based solutions may inhibit the effectiveness of the treatment.
Does The Verity Partners Group offer a treatment using electrostatic sprayers?Yes, we do. However, unlike many of our competitors, we recommended that an electrostatic sprayer (sometimes called a fogger or spray gun) be used as final step in treatment, not a comprehensive solution. One of the things that makes our approach unique, is that our antiviral treatment includes a direct, manual touch cleaning of all surfaces and hot spots using a CDC approved and EPA registered solution. In contrast, many of our competitors rely only on an electrostatic sprayer in their treatment process.
Can't I just use Lysol Wipes, 409, or Fantastik to treat my facility?"Because COVID-19 is a new virus, it is important to seek out and use cleaning products and solutions which have been proven effective specifically on COVID-19. If you have a specific question about the effectiveness of a retail product, the best thing to do it to visit the manufactuers website and download the MSDS sheet for the product in question. Both our antiviral treatment and post contamination treatment include the use of a CDC approved and EPA registered solution which has been vetted for effectiveness and with dilution ratios specifically targeted to COVID-19 to provide optimal results.
Why did Key People change it's name?For more information about our name change, please click here.
Can I have a Post Contamination Treatment done even if there has not been a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in my facility?Of course. While we are not actively recommending this, some of our clients have chosen to do a post contamination treatment on a preventive basis. One option is to add a preventive post contamination treatment into a regular rotation of antiviral treatments. For example, a cycle of two antiviral treatments followed by a preventive post contamination treatment. If you would like to have this done, we can certainly accommodate this request. Simply speak to your account manager to schedule this service.
Should I continue with regular floor care (i.e. carpet cleaning, strip and wax, etc.) during this time or prior to reentry?"Proper floor maintenance is extremely important under normal circumstance; and is now, vital. Research shows that the overall health and safety of your facility is linked directly to appropriate floor care. Because they are cleaned with sanitizing solutions that contain high concentrations of detergents and soaps, all hard floor surfaces and carpets require regular attention beyond mopping and vacuuming. There is no such thing as a truly “maintenance free” floor. Regular mopping causes build-up and loses its effectiveness. The result is hard floors that are hazy, tacky or sticky; and carpets collect and absorb a plethora of environmental elements, such as dirt, oil, dead skin, pathogens, bacteria, and other disease-causing micro-organisms. We strongly recommend including maintenance of all floor coverings in your re-entry plan along with working with your account manager to develop an ongoing floor care maintenance plan customized for your facility/building.
Can The Verity Partners Group help me acquire hand sanitzser, toilet paper, etc.?"As of Spring 2024, these items are readily available at most major retailers, and it is no longer necessary to work with an essential provider to obtain these items. If you prefer to work with The Verity Partners Group to obtain these items, please contact your account manager.
I heard there is a "swab test" that can be used on the surfaces in my facility to confirm the presence of COVID-19. Is this true?"We have not been made aware of such a test or been able to find any reputable research which confirms that it is commercially available in the United States. Unfortunately, in this time of crisis many ‘music men’ have come out of the woodwork and are offering all kinds of crazy, albeit interesting, services and products which are “guaranteed” to rid the world of COVID-19. We strongly encourage all of our clients to verify the validity of any service, process, or product that they employ to address COVID-19.
New partner resources
Don't Worry. We've Already Thought of That.
Switching to a new vendor can feel overwhelming. We're here to help. At The Verity Partners Group, we want to make the transition as easy as possible and exceed your expectations right from the start.
Your account manager will be in touch soon to finalise your service plan. In the meantime, here are some links and resources that you and your team can use as we prepare to partner. You can also contact us with any questions.